Reminiscing on 2019-2020

I suppose the recent COVID-19 events have me reminiscing on holidays, family events, and simple family walks. I have not posted in a while and I feel like being completely random today. I have a few house updates, which will be posted at a later time, but I figured this would be the best time to upload Thanksgiving 2019, Christmas 2019, and a few 2020 random pictures since it seems life may not be the same for a while.

Christmas last year was a bit different for several reasons including the fact that I decided to change the location where I placed the Christmas tree. I’m a creature of habit, but decided to move that tree to the living room as opposed to it being in front of the bookshelf.

I’ve realized that the current change of events have made me appreciate every second. I have welcomed a slower pace of life realizing how utterly important health is. I realized that we take so much for granted and if we can take something positive about this whole situation, it has made me stronger in my faith. I had made me appreciate everything. I’m grateful for simple toiletries. Things I took for granted, I find to be valuable. Most importantly, my parents and family members. I appreciate family functions, which I also took for granted.

Plain and simple. . . I appreciate breath. Life is beautiful and far too short, don’t forget to revel in this storm, we will only come out better and stronger.

Let me know what you think. . .don't be shy.